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Personality Traits of People Born on Certain Days
A person is said to have a certain destiny and personality traits shaped by day sign under which they are born. The Maya information compiled here is from various sources, but exclusively from the highlands of Guatemala (Tedlock 1982, Guoron Ajquijay 2003, Patal, personal communication 2006, Stanzione 2006.) While the day names bear the characteristics, the number coefficient in front of any given day indicates whether an individual has weak, balanced, or strong amounts of those traits. 1-3 are weak, 5-7 are balanced and 9-13 are strong, sometimes extreme manifestations of the given day name. Thus, a person born on 2 Imix would show weak manifestations of Imix character, a 13 Imix has Imix traits in their most intense forms. The Aztec personality traits listed with each of the twenty days were recorded by Duran in the late 16th century. According to Duran, birthdays were "celebrated" very differently in the Aztec world. "They seized the individual whom they expected to hold a feast because of his birthday. Some took him by the feet, others by the head. They tossed him into the water and immersed him. When he came out of the water, he was bound and obliged to provide festivities for his day. If he did not do so in that year, he would not again be honored, because it was said (with a great deal of scorn and contempt) that he was still bound and there was no reason to celebrate his birthday any more. This feast was called Apantlazaliztli, which means "To Go Through the Water," and it is still in use today, and I have seen it observed in certain places. Once the day of the saint whose name a person bears arrives, he is cast into the water, just as was done in ancient times. In some places, however, the natives are becoming more like us." The following is not manufactured by your author, though it is paraphrased in places and a blending of various accounts. Some of the personality trait explanations seem quite harsh, but such is the nature of Mesoamerican philosophy. Not everything turns out good and that is life. The Mam referred to in a few of the descriptions is Maya spirit of the Earth, a mother-father figure. It is also the title given to each of the four Year Bearers - Ik', Manik', Eb, and Kaban - when it is their year to be the day sign representing the solar year. The Year Bearer under which one was born also effects their destiny. For a further explanation of the year bearer system, read this section - Year Bearers. ![]() Yucatec Maya - Imix - "crocodile" or "water lily" Quiche Maya - Imšx - "crocodile" or "water lily" Menemonics: "one becomes possessed or crazy", "humble oneself before the Mam" Animal Association: Crocodile Color and Directional Association: Red, East Personality and Destiny: Intuitive people. The listen to their dreams and signs. Productive, creative, artistic, feminine, hard working, pensive, good with their hands. Brave and courageous. Social and cooperative. Prefer to be at home and make good home makers. Eccentric, before their time. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Dominating personality, insecure, jealous, indecisive, chaotic, violent, doubting, and slow. Dominated by the power of the Mam. Insanity, weakness, undirectedness. Fascinated with books about witchcraft, but only made crazy by reading them. Occupations: Teachers, writers, artists, politicians, psychologists, musicians, weavers, midwives, and poets. Aztec Personality Traits: A man of outstanding courage and strength, a hard worker, a great tiller of the soil, a famous warrior, a merchant, a man who is a good keeper of his wealth, desirous of increasing it, an enemy of idleness, addicted to constant activity, never wasteful, never prodigal, never tricky or unscrupulous.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Ik' - "wind" Quiche Maya - Iq' - "wind" Menemonics: "one became annoyed", "strong, wild, violent" Animal Association: Hummingbird Color and Directional Association: White, North Personality and Destiny: These people love nature, the outdoors, and fresh air. Mystical, spiritual people who inspire others. Vitality, imagination, and physical strength. Dreamers. Brave and sometimes wild. Love of travelling. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: As dreamers, they can drift - here today, gone tomorrow. Dishonest, tricksters, negligent, violent, imposing, doing whatever they please even at the expense of others. Others must help them stay focused on their way. Can inspire fear and hatred in others because of their personal power. Occupations: Inventors, civil office, spiritualists, artists, and writers Aztec Personality Traits: Fickle, inconsistent, negligent, lazy, enemies of toil, addicted to merrymaking gluttons, parasites, rovers who have neither roots nor rest.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Ak'bal, - "darkness, before dawn" Quiche Maya - Aq'ab'al - "darkness, before dawn" Menemonics: "at dawn", "to blame, conceal" Animal Association: Bat Color and Directional Association: Black, West Personality and Destiny: Serene but strong, they usually succeed in whatever they set out to accomplish. They often live in the past or the future, missing the present. Like dawn, they live between day and night. They are positive people, problem solvers and generous with their advice. They seek truth and justice. They are travelers who take to the road in both happiness and sorrow. Feminine, verbally skillful, wealthy. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: They can be thieves, vengeful, angry, dishonest, prone to illness, and wish the end of their enemies. Occupations: Doctors, psychotherapists, artists, warriors, and mathematicians. Road guide or marriage spokesman. Aztec Personality Traits: Inclined towards seclusion and a cloistered life, peaceable, calm, respectful of their parents, beloved by their kinsman, disinclined to roaming and long journeys. They were to die peacefully and in bed.
![]() Yucatec Maya - K'an - "maize", "four", "sky", "snake", "seed" Quiche Maya - K'at - "carrying net", "harvest net", "sacred fire" Menemonics: "to burn", "to be in debt", "in heaps" Animal Association: Snake or Spider Color and Directional Association: Yellow, South Personality and Destiny: Collectors of things, thoughts, and ideas. Community problem solvers and negotiators. Youthful and passionate people. They are wise and fecund people who benefit most they come in contact with. Opposed to fighting. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Fornicators, debtors, nervous, a bad influence on others. Occupations: Artists, gardeners, merchants, collectors, and distributors Aztec Personality Traits: Fortunate. Whether he was the youngest or the oldest or born between these, he was to be outstanding within his family and to prosper vastly. He was destined to possess wealth and never be hungry. All of this was based on the characteristics of the lizard, who calmly rests on the wall, never lacking flies or mosquitos, all of them coming naturally to his mouth. And so it was omened that the man born under this sign was to be prosperous without great toil.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Chikchan- "sky serpent" Quiche Maya - Kaan - "serpent" Mnemonics: "it is the mesa", "he is sleeping", "the enemy" Animal Association: Snake Color and Directional Association: Red, East Personality and Destiny: Wise and energetic people. Born healers and fair judges. Very quiet but know everything going on around them. Only give their opinion when asked. Sincere and intelligent. A good mind for scientific investigation. Intuitive to the point of being clairvoyant. Lovers of peace and justice. They are often in positions of power and look for the good in their communities. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Angry, easily annoyed, disloyal, resentful, gossipers, and opportunistic. Occupations: State officials, lawyers, arbitrators, healers, doctors, nurses, and midwives. Aztec Personality Traits: Paupers, bare, unclad, ragged beggars, with no home of their own. They were to live always on loans, depending on others, and to be menials all their lives. In this they imitated the snake that goes about homeless and naked, exposed to the sun and wind, living today in one hole and tomorrow another. This sign was considered evil.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Kimi - "death" Quiche Maya - Kame - "death" Mnemonics: "asking for good", "the deceased", "marriage" Animal Association: Owl Color and Directional Association: White, North Personality and Destiny: Very patience people. Serene, content, generous, caring, and charismatic. Seemingly always able to cope with problems that come their way with a good attitude. Their lives are balanced through wisdom. Respectful of others. Strong, tenacious, and respected people of authority, talented at their work. Prophets of both good and bad. Wealthy, feminine, verbally skillful. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Violent, vengeful, liars, unappreciative, unfaithful in love and commerce. Occupations: Counselors, doctors, psychologists, philosophers, historians, and marriage spokesman Aztec Personality Traits: Melancholy and sad. Timorous, faint, craven, weak-hearted, forgetful, lax, sickly, of poor appetite, ill of heart.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Manik', - "hand, capture" Quiche Maya - Kiej - "deer" Mnemonics: "mounting", "talker", "mother-father" Animal Association: Deer Color and Directional Association: Black, West Personality and Destiny to Avoid: Strong people, both spiritually and physically. Agile, responsible, friendly, and intelligent. Able to convince others of their position. Sure of themselves. Respected in their communities as authority that comes from the ancestors. Able to endure great hardship while enjoying fine health. Masculine. Potential Negative Traits: Angry, bothersome, addictive, opportunistic, foolish, and demanding. Causes trouble and sorrow for others. Occupations: Administrators, public servants, merchants, psychologists, sociologists, scientists, consultants, and spiritual guides. Aztec Personality Traits: To be a woodsman, fond of the forest and of hunting. Woodcutters, runners, walkers, not overly fond of the homeland, desirous of visiting strange lands and of dwelling in them, unloving towards their fathers and their mothers, abandoning them with ease.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Lamat - "venus" or "star" Quiche Maya - Q'aniel - "bright", "yellow", or "golden" Mnemonics: "it ripens", "sowing and planting", "feeder", "to have money and corn" Animal Association: Rabbit Color and Directional Association: Yellow, South Personality and Destiny: Great cultivators of the earth. Fertile people in all respects. Successful, intelligent, fortunate, wealthy by nature and circumstance. Hard workers, direct, responsible, patient, intuitive, emotional, and harmonious. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Rebellious, conflictive, easily fall ill and have trouble communicating needs. Arrogant, think they are better than others. Gossipers, causing disorder and war. Weak before obstacles. Occupations: Counselors, administrators, agriculturalists, philosophers, doctors, mathematicians, musicians, writers, traders, mid-wives, spiritual leaders, defenders of the peace. Aztec Personality Traits: Considered to fall within the same category of destiny as those born under Deer. To be a woodsman, fond of the forest and of hunting. Woodcutters, runners, walkers, not overfond of the homeland, desirous of visiting strange lands and of dwelling in them, unloving towards their fathers and their mothers, abandoning them with ease.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Muluk - "water" or perhaps "moon" Quiche Maya - Toj - "torch", "payment", "offering", "blood sacrifice" Mnemonics: "to pay", "illness, pain" Animal Association: Shark Color and Directional Association: Red, East Personality and Destiny: These people suffer from the "sins" they commit, yet are very helpful to others. They sacrifice themselves to the cause most dear to them, usually family or nation. Moon and water people, they need to live by the sea, lake, or river. They are strong, creative, community oriented, imaginative, and make money wherever they go. Social and communicative. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Vengeful in defense of loved ones, often angry, provoking flights, chronically ill, fall easily into debt Occupations: Warriors, priests, farmers, and midwives. Aztec Personality Traits: Evil sign. Apathetic, short life. They lived in illness, and few reached an old age, suffering long and troublesome sicknesses, never to be cured. They were grumblers, dissatisfied, always unhappy and angry looking.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Ok - "dog", or perhaps "enter" Quiche Maya - Tzi - "dog" Mnemonics: "to be dirty, soiled, stained, impure", "it isn't certain" Animal Association: Dog Color and Directional Association: White, North Personality and Destiny: Authoritarian people, just and faithful, protective and loving. Able to undo and correct problems. Courageous, alert, kind, harmonious, honest, and respectful. Good judges. Good guides into the unknown, trusted in times of need. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Addicts, sexual deviants, arrogant, problem makers. Violent fighters. Insecure, emotionally unstable. Unlucky, easily confused, weak. Occupations: Teachers, doctors, lawyers, secretaries, discoverers, researchers, judges, and prostitutes. Aztec Personality Traits: Fortunate and happy. Bliss and felicity. They were to be courageous, generous, likely to ascend in the world, men with many children, overflowing with plenty, lavish, prodigal, fond of having enough to give away, enemy of poverty, friends to those who asked favors, always willing to comply.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Chuwen - "spider monkey" Quiche Maya - B'aatz - "howler monkey" or "ancestor" Mnemonics: "to spin", "to roll up", "asking" Animal Association: Monkey Color and Directional Association: Black, West Personality and Destiny: Fun loving people who love goofing off and entertaining others. They are also tenacious people who do not stop until they reach their goal. Masters of the arts. Intelligent, good hearted, judicious, and sage-like. They are connected with the ancestors. They like to teach and lead by example, often becoming charismatic leaders. They like nature, and personal quests in nature. Lucky in business, marriage, and life. Automatically rich and respected. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Trouble solving their own problems, hard hearted, overly proud, arrogant, foolish. Occupations: Merchants, artists, singers, dancers, weavers, agriculturalists, and priests. Aztec Personality Traits: Gay, like actors, roguish, filled with charm, clever, making their living because of these attributes. They were to have many friends, they were to be found among kings and nobles. If the child was female, she was to be a merry singer, graceful, not too modest or chaste, pleasant, easy to persuade in any matter.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Eb - "step" Quiche Maya - Eey' - "tooth" Mnemonics: "the road", "guided on the road" Animal Association: Mountain Lion Color and Directional Association: Yellow, South Personality and Destiny: Travelers, very organized, nice, hard working, opportunistic, and intuitive. Love "the hunt" but also home. Protectors and pathfinders. They see into the future by thinking ahead and foreseeing the obstacles. A good, long, healthy life. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Solitary, fickle, prone to tantrums Occupations: Merchants, explorers, hunters, midwives, and researchers. Aztec Personality Traits: Augured a grave illness every year, which was to reach its crisis and then disappear completely. The disease was like the wild grass, which dries up every year and then grows green again. Thus the child born under this sign yearly became ill and then got well. He did not die of the illness. No other predictions were attached to this sign.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Ben - "tamale" or "corn" Quiche Maya - Aaj - "ear of corn" Mnemonics: "in the house", "mixing" Animal Association: Armadillo Color and Directional Association: Red, East Personality and Destiny: Nice, attentive, helpful, and thankful people. Everything they contact multiples. Generous, especially with family, and community oriented. Often have enemies who are jealous of their success. Perfectionists, talented with plants and agriculture. Honest and able to keep secrets. Lucky in love, business, and family. Good at raising animals and children. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Prone to illness, easily bothered by people, marital problems, make themselves hard to understand. Occupations: Farmers, writers, healers, painters, poets, teachers, researchers, investigators, administrators, and public officials. Aztec Personality Traits: Neutral, though leaning towards the bad. Like a reed, hollow and without heart. Incompetent, unwise, empty, insignificant. Even though they had wealth and goods, they were fond of telling about their poverty, of begging. They were fond of sweetmeats, gluttons, addicted to idleness. They were to spend their entire day lying naked in the sun.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Ix - "jaguar" Quiche Maya - Ix-B'alam - jaguar" Mnemonics: "to withdraw, remove, to be free", "before the Earth" Animal Association: Jaguar Color and Directional Association: White, North Personality and Destiny: Practical, intelligent, astute, patient, decisive, generous, strong and energetic. Good with animals and powerful warriors. Hunter by nature with a large sexual appetite. Wealthy and responsible. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Over-bearing, vain, and arrogant. Need to be the center of attention. Prone to sudden illness. Angry. Occupations: Warriors, animal trainers, hunters, strategists, philosophers, mathematicians, and doctors. Aztec Personality Traits: Like a jaguar - courageous, daring, haughty, presumptuous, proud, conceited, grave. Eager for honor, public positions, they were to obtain them by tyranny, by force, or by gifts and were to gain what they sought. Prodigal, lowered himself to servile things. Given to sowing and reaping by his own hand. Addicted to farming, and he never fled from toil. Going to war was a satisfaction to him, in order to show himself off and his courage. He had a smile for everything, his heart was always willing to fight for any good undertaking. If female, she was to be independent, proud, presumptuous, contemptuous of other woman, restless, openhearted, mocking everyone, filled with haughty thoughts.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Men - "eagle" Quiche Maya - Tz'ikin - "bird" Mnemonics: "to cry for, to ask for", "money, silver" Animal Association: Eagle or Quetzal Color and Directional Association: Black, West Personality and Destiny to Avoid: Creators of their own destiny, they are intelligent, analytical, and generous people. They love business and art. Intuitive, very spiritual, and ambitious. Can be mystics and visionaries. Cry out for and desire everything necessary for a good life, material and spiritual. Potential Negative Traits: Envious, often use trickery or cheating to obtain their desires. Fickle in their likes and dislikes. Occupations: Poets, sculptors, painters, scientists, diplomats, collectors, merchants, and intermediaries. Aztec Personality Traits: Same nature as the Jaguar. In addition, addicted to theft, coveting their neighbor's wealth, miserly, hiding their goods like the eagle, which is a bird of prey. Like a jaguar - courageous, daring, haughty, presumptuous, proud, conceited, grave. Eager for honor, public positions, they were to obtain them by tyranny, by force, or by gifts and were to gain what they sought. Prodigal, lowered himself to servile things. Given to sowing and reaping by his own hand. Addicted to farming, and he never fled from toil. Going to war was a satisfaction to him, in order to show himself off and his courage. He had a smile for everything, his heart was always willing to fight for any good undertaking. If female, she was to be independent, proud, presumptuous, contemptuous of other woman, restless, openhearted, mocking everyone, filled with haughty thoughts.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Kib - "wax" or "candle" Quiche Maya - Ajmaq - "people of the clan, sinners, human beings" Mnemonics: "in the patrilineage", "pardoning your sins" Animal Associations: Vulture or Bee Color and Directional Association: Yellow, South Personality and Destiny: Studious and analytic, they are great strategists who are tenacious in all they do. Respectful of others, prudent, and intelligent. They can be brave and visionaries, open to confrontation but impenetrable in essence. Good event coordinators. They say what is on their mind, but not their heart, making them appear cold and unaffectionate. People of great memory, they have a keen interest in their past and ancestors. Respect for tradition. Good sense of humor. They fall in and out of love, but always have love in their lives. Lucky in business. Usually forgiven their sins so that they may continue to prosper. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Irresponsibility, lies, jealousy, and vice. Irresponsible spouse and parent. They may make mistakes and suffer. Occupations: Politicians, administrators, explorers, mathematicians, merchants, priests, pastors, judges, and doctors. Aztec Personality Traits: Signified and predicted a long life. They were vigorous, free of disease, tall robust, muscular, inclined to be bald, prudent, men of good advice, authoritative. They were wise, grave, clam, discreet, eloquent, and given to teaching and good counsel. They were fond of giving good advice and of censuring evil, eager to gather disciples and instruct them.
![]() Yucatec Maya - K'aban - "Earth" Quiche Maya - N'oj - "knowledge", "wisdom", "insight" Mnemonics: "he was thinking good thoughts, he was thinking bad thoughts" "to think, to meditate, resolve, conclude, worry" Animal Association: Woodpecker Color and Directional Association: Red, East Personality and Destiny: Connected to the Earth, they are wise, intelligent people with curative powers. Conservative with resources and efficient, they are sure of themselves and community service oriented. A positive influence on others. Idealistic about justice. Creative and innovative thinker. Strongly masculine. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Overly curious, arrogantly self-sufficient, independent to a fault Occupations: Artists, doctors, agriculturalists, spiritual leaders, and judges. Aztec Personality Traits: Identified with the Sun. All males born under this sign are men who shine like the sun. Blessed, fortunate, of good fate, blissful. It was considered desirous, well omened, and fortunate to be born under this sign. Principalities and kingdoms were promised to all those born under this sign. Just as the sun is the king and supreme among the other planets, so it was promised to those born under this symbol that they would enjoy a high station on this earth. Females would be affected in a different way. They would be stupid, foolish, stubborn, limited in their intelligence, obtuse, and confused. But they were to be rich, prosperous, and as powerful as the men. Thus this sign was held in part to be good, in part neutral.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Etz'nab -"flint" Quiche Maya - Tijax - "obsidian", "blood", "sacrifice" Mnemonics: "telling lies, slandering", "to conceal", "fighting" Animal Association: Fish Color and Directional Association: White, North Personality and Destiny: Strong, courageous people, often counted on to take on the most difficult tasks. They are careful and nurturing, sometimes they sacrifice and suffer to right the wrongs in the world. Great collaborators, problem solvers, often called to help with reconciliation between people. A gift for healing. They fall ill easily, but recover quickly. Good at sports. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Vengeful, violent, resentful, cruel when their heart turns against another. Both a victim and promoter of lies and slander. Picks fights. Solitary. Occupations: Natural healer, doctor, priests, analysts, strategists, administrators, warriors, professional athletes, politicians, and midwives. Aztec Personality Traits: The worst of all signs, harmful to the republic and to the multiplication of mankind. Hard as the flint knife, and harsh. It caused sterility in men and in women born under it. People born under this sign would never engender children, which is the greatest sorrow and calamity felt by these natives. Also their greatest shame. One can say nothing worse than to call someone "sterile" or "barren." In place of having children they do much evil and commit sins. Those born under the sign of Flint Knife were held to be fortunate in many things, except in being fertile and in engendering children.
![]() Yucatec Maya - K'awak - "storm" Quiche Maya - Kawoq - "storm" Mnemonics: "to hold water, to plant", "gossip, trouble, harassment" Animal Association: Turtle Color and Directional Association: Black, West Personality and Destiny: Connected to the weather, they can feel it in their bodies. Balanced, calm, loving, tender and nurturing. Strong constitution. Imaginative and home-loving. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Drunkeness, hatred of themselves and others. Punished by the ancestors. Occupations: Midwife, day keeper, farmers, weather forecasters, fisherman, and weavers. Aztec Personality Traits: All born under this sign, both men and women, were augured very bad luck. They were to be blind, lame, maimed, pimply, leprous, claw-handed, mangy, bleary-eyed, lunatic, insane, with all the ills and sickness associated with the above calamities.
![]() Yucatec Maya - Ahaw - "lord" Quiche Maya - Jun Ajpub - "one blow-gunner" Mnemonics: "before the ancestors", "the ancestors already know" Animal Association: Snail or Conch Color and Directional Association: Yellow, South Personality and Destiny: Courageous, honest, and wise, these people are community leaders who sacrifice themselves for the good of the whole. Visionaries. Great walkers, athletic, talented craftsmen, and creative artists. Talented hunters and agriculturists. Bountiful providers and good problem solvers, they make good day keepers and diviners. Strong both physically and spiritually. A strong relationship with the dead. Potential Negative Traits to Avoid: Predators, angry, vengeful, won't accept of advice, avoid responsibility, single-minded. Occupations: Day keeper, diviners, leaders, musicians, artists, dancers, singers, writers, professional athletes, politicians, merchants, and hunters. Aztec Personality Traits: Associated with masters and craftsman. To be painters, metalworkers, weavers, sculptors, carvers - that is to say, workers in all the arts that imitate nature. Women were to become laundresses, fine weavers. They were to be skilled in decorating breads, fond of beautifying and adorning themselves, loving of embroidered blouses and finely decorated mantles. These people were cleanly, diligent, hard-working in order to fulfill their needs, each toiling with his own hands at his own skill. |